Whether you like it or not, plenty of companies are returning to in-person work again. Office parking lots are slowly filling back up, and pretty soon, the water cooler is going to be the center of the gossip world for workers all across the country. 

Some people are excited to get back to some semblance of “normal” in their day-to-day lives, yet other people are pretty hesitant about returning to the offices. Between the still-present threat of Covid-19, a significant amount of people still refusing the vaccine, and plenty of uncertainty about the job market in America, it’s not hard to see why people aren’t necessarily excited to go back to the offices.

While we can’t make Covid-19 disappear, and there’s only so much we can do to convince people to get the vaccine, there are other ways that we can all feel more comfortable about going back to in-person work. Over the last two years, office cleaning companies around the globe (LACOSTA included) have stepped up their cleaning game to whole new heights. 

To help ease your mind and give you some good ideas for your return to the workplace, we put together this list of cleaning tips and tricks, specifically for the office! Ranging from the small, personal cleaning tasks you can try to adopt to the potential benefits of hiring a commercial cleaning service, this article will give you the blueprints to a sparkling clean office. 

So grab your spray bottle, change out the trash bags, and let’s get cleaning!

Desk Duty

Unless your office building stayed open during the pandemic (and had a regular cleaning crew), you’re probably going to want to clean up your own space when you first come back. Whether you work in a cubicle, desk, or office, giving the whole thing a quick clean will help you set your mind at ease when it comes time to work. 

Start by clearing off your work surface and reorganizing your desk. After a prolonged absence from your standard workspace, recleaning and organizing it can help you readjust. Consider buying a small spray bottle and cleaning towel to keep at your desk, and wipe down your desk at the end of the day before you leave.

Keeping your own space clean will help immensely, but our following recommendation works best when it’s for the whole office!

“Check” It Out

Before the pandemic, there’s a good chance that your co-workers (and yourself) might not have been the tidiest. While you should still leave most of the cleaning tasks to a trained cleaning crew, there are small, everyday tasks that anyone in the building can try and help out with. 

To help everyone get on board, we recommend that you consider creating an office cleaning checklist. The checklist can include daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning tasks, as long as the jobs require relatively minimal effort and can be done by anyone who has an extra 5 minutes. 

Some tasks you could include on this checklist are: 

  • Replacing Tissue Boxes
  • Checking Sanitizer levels (and marking if any need refilling)
  • Pick Up Conference Room

Again, these aren’t serious cleaning tasks, but if everyone in the office pitches in a little bit, the whole workspace will be much cleaner, and the cleaning crews will have an easier time! It’s a win for everyone. 

Attention to Detail

Overall, there doesn’t need to be an enormous overhaul of your cleaning systems. Most of the health and safety procedures have remained the same through the pandemic. Instead, there simply needs to be more attention to detail when it comes to cleaning! 

Before, regular janitorial services would probably empty trash cans, vacuum the office space, and generally tidy up the workspaces on a day-to-day basis. That shouldn’t change in the slightest! However, they should add more rigorous cleaning measures to their existing schedule. 

One of the biggest lessons we took from the pandemic was the importance of “high-touch” surfaces. Cleaning and disinfecting the “high-touch” surfaces in your office is crucial to keeping illness and germs out of the workplace. These surfaces can include: 

  • Door Handles
  • Light Switches
  • Pens 
  • Railings
  • Keyboards
  • Desk Surfaces
  • Elevator Buttons

Just by increasing the attention to detail and emphasizing a stricter cleaning and disinfection policy, your office space will be one of the cleanest around! 

Get Some Help

We know there’s only so much a company can do to keep their space clean, and for the most part, on-site janitorial teams don’t have the staff, training, or equipment to fully handle cleaning an entire office building. If you really want to ensure the cleanest possible office space for you and your co-workers, you might want to consider investing in commercial cleaning services! 

Commercial cleaning services are designed for companies of all sizes to provide the sanitation and cleaning capabilities that most janitorial teams cannot. From rigorous daily office cleaning services to monthly deep cleans and more, cleaning service companies can provide you with a sparkling clean workplace without a hassle. 


For more than 30 years, LACOSTA has consistently been one of the best office cleaning companies in the industry. We offer in-depth janitorial team services, commercial cleaning services, and even managed labor solutions. Throughout the last two years, our teams have been at the front lines of the virus, keeping workplaces sanitized and germ-free, so trust us when we say we know what we’re talking about! 

Instead of just looking up “office cleaning services near me,” reach out to LACOSTA today and work with our true clean professionals. We have the knowledge, cleaning methods, and capabilities to transform your workplace into a squeaky clean model of health; all you have to do is call!