If you, someone in your family or some of your co-workers suffer from allergy or asthma, you know how disruptive this can be for daily life and work. Allergens and pathogens can lead to uncomfortable and often serious symptoms. Ordinary surface cleaning does not suffice in helping to relieve these environmental challenges. Deep cleaning is the key to removing the pollutants and irritants that can cause flare ups.

Beyond Sweeping and Emptying Trash Cans

Many offices “get by” with cursory light routine cleaning programs. Of course, routine cleaning takes care of the most visible upkeep of office appearances.  However, deep cleaning is what separates just a neat appearance from a healthy environment. A deep cleaning can also help to remove harmful bacteria and other contaminants that can cause asthma and allergies.

Deep Cleaning Programs

Deep cleaning commercial programs include the regular deep cleaning of upholstery, carpets, blinds and other surfaces where allergens are buried and often ignored. Deep cleaning services also remove allergens, bacteria and dirt from hard-to-reach places – e.g. air ducts which are some of the most common areas for allergen proliferation. Since deep cleaning is often conducted in areas that are not readily observable, regularly scheduled cleanings will help ensure that the germs and viruses that love to flourish in your business are quickly and regularly removed and not allowed to spread.

Improving Indoor Air Quality

When regular vacuuming and sweeping aren’t enough, deep cleaning ensures that even hard-to-reach spots get scrubbed and sanitized, creating a healthier working environment. Moreover, using deep-cleaning solutions such as steam cleaning not only eliminates buildup but also reduces the use of harsh chemicals like bleach, which can be irritating to people with breathing problems. In some cases, LACOSTA can provide and maintain HEPA Air Filter Units to help specific individuals who are especially vulnerable to airborne particles. 

The Bottom Line

When it comes to the health of your staff, LACOSTA will customize their deep cleaning services to meet your specific needs.