Most of us love the holiday season and the events that come with it. We get a chance to spend more time with families and friends, we can give gifts and share the love. During this time  there’s a genuine l feeling of happiness in the air! However, plenty of things during the holidays can stress us out, like fewer hours of daylight, long lines at stores and numbingly cold weather. 

Even with all of the positive things that happen during this season, these stresses can sometimes feel overwhelming. If you aren’t careful, the negative emotions can pile up quickly, which can cast a shadow on your holiday celebrations. To help work against the stress and to possibly increase your enjoyment of the holidays overall, you might want to consider practicing some mindfulness. 

Practicing mindfulness is a type of thought that focuses on the present moment and noticing what is happening around you now. Rather than focusing on what has already occurred or what might happen in the future, mindfulness keeps you grounded in what is currently happening and nothing else. Experts say that practicing mindfulness can help you find joy in day-to-day life and appreciate things for what they are 

Another proven practice that improves a person’s outlook is writing down what you are grateful for each morning after you wake up.

 If you can be mindful of yourself and approach each day with gratitude this holiday season, you may just find that you’re enjoying it all, even when you feel stressed!

Have you ever practiced mindfulness before? Do you keep a gratitude journal? How has it helped you?