As companies around the United States take preventative measures to try and ensure a safe yet operational workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the centerpoints of the effort has been increased attention to high-touch points. 

In this post, we will discuss the importance of cleaning high-touch points throughout the workplace, how this can help prevent the spread of the virus, as well as how our janitorial teams are adapting to this need at facilities across the country. 

What are High-Touch Points? 

High-touch points, also known as high-touch surfaces, are areas around the workplace (this also applies to areas around the home, however, we will be focusing on the workplace in this article) that are frequently touched by individuals. 

These surfaces include a variety of objects, including door knobs, tables, chairs, handrails, light switches, elevator buttons, equipment handles, telephones, desktop keyboards, vending machine buttons, and more. 

Essentially, anything that is frequently touched by more than one person is a high-touch point. 

Why are High-Touch Points So Important During the COVID-19 Pandemic? 

It is always important to clean high-touch points, even during normal times, since it can help prevent the spread of all sorts of germs and viruses, including the flu. However, cleaning high-touch points has become increasingly important during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

While COVID-19 is mainly spread through respiratory droplets when someone with the virus breathes, coughs, or sneezes on another person, it can also potentially be spread when these respiratory droplets land on and contaminate high-touch surfaces. While the virus cannot infect someone simply by getting on their skin, if someone happens to touch a contaminated high-touch surface and then touches their eyes (something humans commonly do), mouth, or nose, they could potentially become sick. 

Though it is still being debated how common this form of spread is, it is still a very real way for the virus to potentially infect others. Since workplaces that are operating during this time need to take every precaution possible to prevent the spread of the virus, it is important that they place a renewed emphasis on cleaning these high-touch points both frequently and effectively. 

How Has LACOSTA Adapted?

At LACOSTA, we pride ourselves on the ability of our janitorial teams to adapt to any situation and need. The COVID-19 pandemic has been no exception, and we have done our best to meet the needs of each and every one of our clients during this difficult time. 

Our janitorial teams have always used cleaning solutions that are on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) N-List, meaning they are effective in killing the COVID-19 virus as well as a series of other viruses and foreign contaminants. As a result, we did not have to change the cleaning solutions and products we use on a regular basis, and our teams are already trained and experienced with each and every one of our methods and procedures. 

However, that said, as part of our adapting to the new challenges presented by the COVID-19 virus, we have doubled our efforts and increased the frequency of our cleaning of high-touch surfaces based on the number of employees passing through and using particular high-touch areas in each of our clients’ sites. 

In addition to this, we have added first shift cleanings in situations where they may have only been third shift cleanings in the past, again increasing our ability to disinfect these high-touch points throughout the workplace. For clients who needed additional janitorial support to maintain a safe working environment, we have also boosted the number of employees on teams and staff. 

We view our relationship with each of our clients as a partnership, and we are constantly keeping them in the loop and listening to both their needs and suggestions. We also service a variety of different types of worksites, so while one thing may work at one site it may not work at another. As such, our services are both customizable to each and every need, and many of our COVID-19 response measures have been as well. Don’t hesitate to reach out to see how our services might adapt to your company’s particular needs. 

What Sort of Impact Has This Had on the Workplace Environment?

At each of our client worksites, our goal has been to foster an environment where employees are comfortable and where workers both feel and know that their company’s number one priority is their individual safety. After all, nothing is worse for both the employer and the employees than having a workplace environment in which employees feel uncomfortable and unsafe. 

The way we have built confidence in our client’s employees is both through the increased frequency of our cleaning as well as the increased visibility of our janitorial staff around worksites. They know that we are there and working our hardest to keep both them and our staff as safe as possible during this time. 

Since we have made these changes, the results have been fantastic, and our clients have been incredibly pleased with the results on workplace safety and morale. 

“[LACOSTA} services is a critical component of keeping the Paris, TX Campbell’s facility open during the pandemic. You protect us from illness that would cripple our operation during a time our product is needed most. The [LACOSTA] team has not only performed flawlessly to date, they have been extremely responsive and flexible to our ever changing needs. I cannot thank you enough for the solid work and personal dedication I have seen from the entire [LACOSTA] team even to the point of scouring local stores for supplies. Your performance has been outstanding and commendable. Thank you!” – Darrren McIntire, Campbell Soup Supply Co. 


There has never been a greater need for strong, well-trained, experienced janitorial teams and cleaning procedures than right now. The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally altered the way businesses must conduct their workplace operations. As shown here, cleaning high-touch points is an incredibly important aspect in waging the fight against the virus, however, there is much more that must be done to maintain a safe and comfortable working environment. 

At LACOSTA, we have worked tirelessly to adapt to the constantly changing working conditions, updating our procedures based on CDC guidelines and the needs of our clients. 

If you are interested in learning more about how our services can help your company during this time, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are happy to discuss our services and how they might apply to your particular worksite and workplace environment. Plus, if you are ready to take the next step and begin working with us, we would be happy to provide you with an analysis and quote. 

Also, don’t forget to keep checking back on our blog! We have been and will continue to post great content and important information on our latest standards and procedures, as well as how our business and our clients are adapting to the new working environment. Remember, we are here for you!