As noted by Jacob Passy in his article Why temp work is not a safe bet on MarketWatch, “The lack of coordination between staffing agencies and employers, and the gaps in the legal protections for workers have created a dangerous situation for temporary workers, according to a study of temp workers in Pennsylvania conducted by researchers at Temple University.”

That report is entitled: Pennsylvania Workers in Jeopardy: The Hidden Problem of Temporary Employment, and you can download it here.

The report points out two major areas of concern for how temp staffing agencies handle those working for you – here is an excerpt:

“Temp workers are at risk for workplace injury. Some reasons include:

  • Temp workers receive inadequate training because of the lack of accountability between host employers and staffing agencies
  • Temp workers may fear reporting hazards as they are non-permanent employees
  • Government enforcement is inadequate
  • Host employers shift the cost of workers’ compensation coverage onto staffing agencies, which reduces the incentive to maintain a safe workplace

“Further, temp workers are more vulnerable to financial harm because:

  • Host employers turn a ‘blind eye’ towards staffing agencies that fail to pay temp workers minimum or overtime wages
  • Temp workers may lack adequate information about pay, the staffing agency, or host employer, frustrating their ability to address improvements
  • Staffing agencies’ call-in policies cause temp workers to lose out on unemployment compensation

“As the economy continues to shift away from traditional employment relationships, temp work is here to stay. Not only do staffing agencies need to be more closely regulated but the host employers that use them should also be held accountable.”

Consider Managed Labor as an Alternative to Temp Staffing

With LACOSTA’s Managed Labor approach, safety, training, operational delivery and cost mitigation initiatives are of paramount importance.

We offer extensive training and cross-training for our employees, and have an excellent EMR to prove it – and should there be an accident, it affects our EMR, not yours.

All LACOSTA employees are provided with healthcare coverage, 401(k) match, paid time off and numerous other benefits which lead to happy employees, increased productivity and dramatically reduced turnover.

Better yet: Managed Labor “all-in” costs are actually lower than temps by up to 30% – with at least 15% guaranteed.

Best yet: we often pay for ourselves because our proactive approach and LEAN operating methodology drives us to implement best practices and identify cross functional opportunities that saves our clients hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.

If you’re interested in LACOSTA’s Managed Labor approach or are curious how we may supplement your current, temp staffing operation, contact us and see why many of the world’s largest companies are turning to LACOSTA for their managed labor services needs.

To get started, contact us to request a managed labor site audit to see how much you will save.

Contact us to learn more about managed labor staffing