While it’s too soon to know when the rebound from COVID-19 will come, it will come – it always does. When it does, manufacturers will find themselves needing to hire a large number of qualified workers to quickly and effectively handle spikes in demand – all while competing with local manufacturers and other industries for low-skilled production and manufacturing support labor.

Ramping up with permanent workers carries a lot of overhead cost and management oversight that may be a complete waste if demand contracts and employees must once again be furloughed or laid off.

You can turn to temp staffing companies who will be happy to overload you with unqualified, untrained and often ever-changing workers, but how good of a fit will they be? How much time would you need to invest to train and supervise them all? This is a recipe low productivity and high turnover rates.

What if there was another option – one that resulted in high productivity, low turnover and could flex up and down to your needs without any layoffs?

insourced managed labor is that option.

Insourced Managed Labor

The insourced managed labor model offers a substantial improvement over the temp staffing model with fully trained and supervised employees who earn competitive wages, full benefits and have opportunities for improvement and advancement

Once the right candidates are hired, onsite training and supervision provides structure support and teamwork for the employees, and provides you with the confidence you need to focus on your core business instead of being on a treadmill of hiring, training and replacing a revolving crew of short-term workers. Our onsite management also works closely with you to ensure your KPIs are met. If demand contracts, we send these employees to work at other job sites.

The result: turnover rates that are  far lower than the 200-400% rates many companies settle for while using a temp staffing vendor.

Finding the Right People for the Job

A great retention strategy starts with a great recruiting strategy.

Along with recruiting candidates based on the specific job function, our recruiting and retention strategy includes a standard background test and drug screen as well as personality and job culture assessments.

Onsite Management

Once the right candidates are hired, insourced managed labor provides onsite training and supervision   to support and motivate employees that will keep you off the hiring treadmill and provide you with the resources to stay focused on the core areas that drive your business forward.

How to Get Started

With over four decades of providing manufacturers with a variety of skilled and unskilled jobs, LACOSTA has the knack for putting together the right team for your labor needs.

We’ve grown our own company the same way and we know first-hand the importance of a good fit for every position.

To learn more about how our strategies for hiring, training and retention can help meet your needs for reliable insourced labor, contact us to request an insourced managed labor audit.

Contact us to learn more about insourced managed labor