Let me introduce to you Frank. Frank was in his late thirties and enjoyed art. Being a veteran carpenter, Frank decided that he would like to own an art framing shop one day. He decided the best way to learn the business was to work in it. Frank applied for a job at a local art framing studio, called the Big Frame Up. Frank was a college grad, dressed neatly with an easy smile. His brief resume made his skills quickly evident. He was hired on the spot.

The manager, Rebecca, led Frank on a new employee tour, through the busy work area behind the studio. Frank looked around the workspace, and in just two seconds, turned to Rebecca and said; “Sorry to say this, but I have to quit” and Frank made an early exit.

Later over a cool beverage, Frank explained; “There were parts lying all over the place. The floors were cluttered and not clean. The windows were dusty. Yes, the employees were all busy like a going business, but I figured most would turn over quickly. What really triggered me were the cobwebs. So I left. I knew this was a high-end shop in a great location, but it was going nowhere – what I saw was a waste of time and no future.”

About a year later Frank opened his own art framing studio. In two seconds, I could see his pride and joy in the operation. I happened to walk by the Big Frame Up and noticed a For Rent sign in the window. 

Beyond Boosting Morale

The idea of a clean, organized workspace being a key factor in boosting employee morale is nothing new. But what many don’t realize is that cleanliness doesn’t just improve morale, it can also significantly increase work efficiency and performance. Maintaining a clean workspace, not only makes it easier for employees to find what they need, but it can also create an environment where productivity is more likely to flourish:

  • Cleanliness in the workplace reduces stress and anxiety, thereby increasing focus.
  • It is proven that the feeling of being in control is a great motivator and a clean workspace allows your employees to feel like they are part of something bigger.
  • A clean, sanitized workspace has also been linked to improved physical health of employees, which results in less disruptive sick days.
  • Finally, a clean workplace helps to create a professional atmosphere. First impressions are extremely important, sending the message that you take your business seriously.

Coming back from the holidays, LACOSTA makes sure your workspace is crisp and clean – ready for you to launch into a successful New Year. LACOSTA staff are acutely aware of the value they provide in your continued success. Have a happy, productive New Year!