Maintaining a safe and healthy work environment is an ongoing responsibility for any business. For some businesses, however, it’s a responsibility that requires more than ordinary cleaning processes.

For businesses subject to ongoing regulatory compliance standards, or businesses undergoing third-party audits for environmental, health, safety or process standards, there is a big difference between “clean” and “audit-ready” clean.

From hospitals and pharmaceutical companies to food and health product manufacturers, industry standards and regulatory compliance requirements dictate a whole different level of cleanliness. Acing an audit in these industries requires a level of accountability and expertise that goes far beyond a typical janitorial service.

Depending on the business – and the audit – audit-ready cleaning can include a long list of additional processes and requirements for health, safety and compliance including:

  • Specialized training protocols and testing
  • Requirements around gowns, gloves or other safety garments
  • Activity logging
  • Process checklists
  • Signage and communication requirements
  • Requirements around the type, strength and rotation of cleaning agents
  • Specialized cleaning techniques
  • Microbial testing of cleaned surfaces and air quality

When you partner with a firm with the ability to implement audit-ready cleaning at this level, you benefit from a degree of accountability, reliability and expertise that goes far beyond ordinary janitorial service.

We’ve Earned the Trust of the Most Exacting Industries

At LACOSTA, we provide highly-trained commercial cleaning staff and on-site supervision to ensure that your facility is positioned to meet the most rigorous standards, whether you’re preparing for an internal environmental health and safety audit or a spot inspection by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Our work is trusted by clients to ensure that they can meet the exacting standards of a wide variety of audits and certifications.

For our manufacturing clients we conduct our own internal audits in preparation for twice yearly Environmental Health and Safety Audits, as well as World Class Manufacturing and other third-party audits. This includes more than cleaning; we make sure that personal protective equipment is in order, that the emergency evacuation plan is up-to-date and that everything is properly labeled. Weekly standard checks ensure that “audit-ready” is always the standard, no matter when the next audit is scheduled. Detailed site reporting means nothing is overlooked.

“Our day to day cleaning keeps us in audit-ready shape,” says Dana Greene, a senior operations manager at two manufacturing sites. “Our site reports include action items for anything that is missed. There are so many tools with LACOSTA that help us stay audit ready.”

For our pharmaceutical clients, the stakes are particularly high. Failure to pass an FDA audit can lead to a shut-down that can cost millions of dollars in lost productivity.

Cleaning procedures for the pharmaceutical industry must be rigorously managed and documented. All cleaning staff must undergo in-depth training into processes that include logging of all activities. Cleaning procedures in the most sensitive areas must comply with strict rules around the technique and sequence of tasks to ensure complete decontamination – a fact that is confirmed with both air quality testing and surface testing.

It’s a standard that doesn’t leave a lot of room for error but it’s one in which LACOSTA’s reputation for meticulous training processes, stringent reporting and compliance practices, on-site supervision and unmatched transparency has earned the trust of more than 50 pharmaceutical and medical device businesses.

Experience the Confidence of Audit-Ready Cleaning Services

At LACOSTA our processes are designed to keep your facility safe, clean and ready for your toughest audience, whether that’s the FDA or the CEO.

Give us a call or click on the link below to learn more about how we have established a reputation for excellence and reliability among clients who can’t afford anything less from their partners.

Contact us to learn more about keeping your facility audit-ready